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Our Core Team

Housing4All Gloucester is an all volunteer organization comprised of local residents and housing related service organizations.

We are currently in the process of filing for 5013c non profit status.

Wilma Busse, Ed. D

Wilma is an Associate Professor Emerita at Suffolk University in Boston, Massachusetts. She served as a counseling psychologist, training director of the Pre-Doctoral Internship Program, and director of the Counseling Center at Suffolk University. In addition she is co- editor of a book, has published several articles and taught several psychology classes at Suffolk.


Terence Cudney

Terence moved to Gloucester from Somerville 4 years ago, originally from Colorado. He is a democracy and economic justice advocate who recently ran as an independent for Massachusetts State Senate in the First Essex and Middlesex District. Terence has a background as an entrepreneur and software product/project manager who led the development of products that helped three startups raise over $18 million in venture funding. He was laid off in 2018 by his third startup, and returned to waiting tables in downtown Gloucester for the first time in seven years prior to his run for public office. Terence has used his first year with Housing4All Gloucester to educate himself on the intricacies of the affordable housing problem in our city, and as an aspiring homeowner, recognizes that we need significant policy changes to equitably achieve a sustainable approach to housing at the local and state level. As of April, Terence has joined Centerboard in Lynn as a family housing advocate, where he assists unhoused families in shelter in preparing for affordable housing opportunities.


Deanna Fay

Deanna is a North Shore native and a resident of Gloucester since 2013. Deanna’s background in affordable housing and real estate includes 10 years at Harborlight Community Partners, now Harborlight Homes,  working in community engagement, advocacy and education relating to local affordable housing needs.  She has worked as MA licensed real estate agent specializing in NS residential properties for downsizing seniors, first time buyers, and homebuyer education for 14 years. After a career change  to explore more creative and entrepreneurial endeavors, Deanna became involved with Cape Ann Local Action’s housing group to continue to her advocacy for affordable housing development and solutions that benefit Gloucester’s underserved populations, including seniors, veterans, disabled persons, and individuals and families with low or moderate incomes . She is currently a member of Gloucester's Affordable Housing Trust.


Deborah Frontierro

Debbie was born in Gloucester, and is descended from many generations of Gloucester natives.  Debbie worked in education for 40 plus years, as a teacher, and as an administrator.  She has also worked for decades with local and state social justice agencies.  Debbie is enthusiastic about preserving the economic and cultural diversity of our city.


Maggie Howard

Maggie has lived in Gloucester since 2006.  She has worked in the space of affordable housing, eviction and homelessness prevention and innovative program design, implementation and evaluation.  Maggie has spent her 19 year career focused on mission driven work for high need populations in the nonprofit sector in Gloucester and Boston.  She currently serves as the Director of Program Design & Evaluation for HomeStart Inc. in downtown Boston, implementing and managing an innovative eviction prevention model in several regions of MA as well as Cincinnati, OH.  Prior to her work at HomeStart, Maggie served as Action Inc.’s Director of Client & Housing Services and as the agency’s Deputy Director.  She worked with a skilled and dedicated team to increase housing opportunities for individuals and families through innovative program design, including the introduction of the housing first model to the North Shore of MA.


Hannah Kimberley, Ph. D.

Hannah has lived in Gloucester since 2012, and she wouldn't want to live anywhere else. She is a teacher and a writer. She is also the president of the Cape Ann League of Women Voters and the Vice Chair of the Gloucester Human Rights Commission. 


Larry Oaks

Larry is President and CEO of Mainstay Supportive Housing and Homecare, the Newton based non-profit organization. He has 25 years of experience in the fields of community development, affordable housing finance and non-profit administration. Earlier in his career Larry served in senior leadership positions at the Local Initiatives Support Corporation and the Corporation for Supportive Housing, two of the largest community development financial institutions in the United States. At both agencies he led major national initiatives aimed at solving the affordable housing crisis in low and moderate income communities across the country. Larry is currently a member of the Affordable Housing Trust and resides in East Gloucester. 


Barnaby Prendergast

Born and raised in London, UK, Barnaby migrated to the US in 2004, moved to Gloucester in 2006 and has lived here, apart from a stint in Florida during the financial crisis, since. Having been through a period of homelessness and rapid price increases in the old country during a prolonged time of demand growth exceeding supply, he developed an interest in housing economics using as much data and hard evidence to inform his opinions as he can. He studied English law at university and has worked various previous roles have included global coordination work as Information Technology leader for the International Planned Parenthood Federation (where he was also chair of the employees’ union), computer forensic and data processing, volunteering in public education (both in Charlestown and Gloucester) carpentry and lobstering. He loves dogs, who mostly think he is ok.


Sunny Robinson

Sunny has lived in Gloucester at the edge of downtown for 25+ years and publicly supported every Affordable Housing proposal in that time. She also was the City’s Public Health Nurse from 2000-2008, and has advocated for affordable housing with an emphasis on affordable senior housing and affordable assisted living. Most recently she served on the City Council’s Assisted Living Reassessment Committee. She has served as the Co-Chair of Gloucester’s Coalition for the Prevention of Domestic Abuse for 20+ years. 


Stephen Voltz 

Stephen received his J.D. from New York University, and spent 20 years as a litigator in the Massachusetts state and federal courts. A significant portion of his practice was devoted to land use and zoning litigation representing both developers and abutters. Stephen represented George Rockwood et al. both at trial in the Land Court and on successful appeal to the Supreme Judicial Court in the landmark case Rockwood v. Snow Inn, which is the leading case establishing the extent to which pre-existing non-conforming structures may be expanded under the Massachusetts Zoning Enabling Act, G.L. c. 40A.   He retired from active practice in 2006 to co-found Eepybird Studios, one of the first viral video ad agencies in the world. Stephen lived in downtown Gloucester for many years but now resides in East Gloucester where he as lived in 2016.


Our Partner Organizations

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